This is a time of great emotional upheaval. Events on both a personal level and on a global level feel deeply turbulent.
Like a small boat caught in an ocean storm, wave after wave of emotion threatens to overwhelm you. Emotionally drenched, cold, and exhausted, you cry out for help, for a pause in the storm, for the chance to finally catch your breath.
The peace you seek is here. It has been here all along. Peace comes from surrendering to the present moment, surrendering to love.
In the present moment, you are not in any danger. Nothing from your past can hurt you as those people and experiences are stuck in your past. Even if it’s the recent past, those people and experiences are not part of your “now”. Nothing from the future can hurt you because the future’s story is untold.
In this moment, you can create space to play a little game. The rules to the game are simple:
- Choose one person, situation or event that is causing you distress.
- Name the emotion that arises inside of you when you think of this person, situation or event.
- Identify the place in your body where you feel that emotion.
- Witness your body’s response when you feel into the height, width, and depth of the emotion.
- Then declare, “I see this. I choose love.”
For example, if you feel jealous of someone who has something you want, rather than trying to push jealousy away or escape the experience of wanting what they have, press deeply into the feeling of jealousy. Note where you feel jealousy in your body. Maybe it’s a clenching sensation in your jaw, a tightening in your chest or a queasiness in your stomach. After taking time to witness the jealousy and explore its physical presence in your body, declare “I see jealousy. I choose love.”
You will notice that your heart begins to warm towards the person who made you feel jealous. You see their humanity, the unique challenges they face, as well as their good fortune. You feel tenderness and compassion well up within your heart as you celebrate their good fortune.
Remembering that on some level, all people are connected by a unified field of consciousness, you recognize that their good fortune is indeed yours as well. As you apply this game to other areas of your life, you will laugh at how simple this game of life really is. The game is rigged. The answer is always the same: “I choose love.”
This shift in perspective raises your vibrational energy, making you a veritable magnet for peace and good fortune.