Make room for pauses in your day. Pausing requires intention and discipline. But once you create a routine of pausing, you will find it is one of the most rewarding practices you can offer yourself and others. Pausing will imbue your day with more productivity, creativity, and kindness.
In the space between your daily activities, pausing offers peace and tranquility. Sometimes, you will even discover joy, wonder, surprise, and delight in the midst of the pause.
Attuned to the voice of inner guidance, the chatter in your mind is silenced. Turning your awareness to surrounding sights and sounds, feeling the sensations in your body, a sense of aliveness wells up inside of you. Attuned to your breath, you release tensions you weren’t aware you were holding. Attuned to your heartbeat, you become aware of the life-force energy coursing through your veins, nourishing every single cell in your body. And what a miraculous body it is!
Every molecule in your amazing body is made up of natural substances found on this planet. You are an earth-bound creature, a terrestrial life form whose being is comprised exclusively of building blocks found in nature. You are nature. And nature is in you. As a carbon-based life form, you owe everything to this planet. Through this earth, you are united in shared terrestrial ancestry with every other human being.
In times of solitude, you may ponder the question, “Who am I?”. But the answer to this question can be difficult to ascertain in isolation. The answer to “Who am I?” is easiest to perceive when you see your own inner light reflected in the face of another. This is the light that unites humanity.
In the pause, you discover union with your community, friends, and family. And in the transparency of this communion lies your truest sense of being, your one-ness with All-That-Is.