Each person on the planet is a resonance chamber, finely tuned to their own unique vibrational signature. The degree to which your life operates in harmony with this vibrational signature is the degree to which you feel relaxed, happy, peaceful and fulfilled. The extent to which your day to day resonance is in discord with your natal frequency is the extent to which you feel anxious, irritable, fearful and isolated.
As you encounter others who are out of balance, you are likely to fall further out of balance yourself. This is the reason it feels uplifting to be around certain people and discouraging to be around others.
Your frequency is yours to control. By surrendering to your “now” instead of being triggered by past experiences or fearful of future events, you gain control over your own resonant energy.
You have a saying: “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” But vibrational alignment has as much to do with thought as it has to do with words. So I would add: “If you don’t have anything nice to think, don’t think anything at all.”
What does this look like in practice? The answer is empathy. Empathy requires you to withhold judgement. It even requires you to withhold evaluation, which is a subtle form of judgement. Justice requires balance, not judgement.
When you are feeling discord, it’s difficult to move beyond the concept of right and wrong. In contemplating nature, you see that right and wrong are relative terms. The sun could be considered good because it makes plants grow. Or it could be considered bad because it causes sunburn. A little rain is beneficial. A lot of rain causes flooding. The same is true with fire. The terms good and bad are relative as they pertain to individualized perspectives.
Allow love to be the lens through which you see the world. Whenever you are tempted to measure a person with your invisible ruler, ask yourself, “What does love look like in this moment?” Have the grace to accept others as they are, just as you hope others will accept you as you are.
Empathy comes from listening rather than speaking, from understanding rather than seeking to be understood, from offering love without the expectation of receiving anything in return. This is what it means to be in harmonic resonance, to sing the unique song your soul came here to sing.