It’s all a grand adventure, isn’t it? This experience of life is so expansive, so vast, so limitless in the infinite number of ways you can express into it. With nothing but your own creativity and intuition to guide you, you boldly engage in each new moment, acting out your role on this grand stage of life. It’s all so perfect!
Events are unfolding exactly as they are meant to unfold. And your timing is perfect.
Infuse each moment with kindness. Orchestrate your movements with love. Let tenderness be your dance and compassion be your song. The light inside of you feels the wisdom of these words.
When your kindness is received, what joy is greater than the joy that comes from seeing that spark of light in the eyes of another? What joy surpasses the feeling of knowing you’ve delighted another human being?
If you are in relationship with one whose spark has dimmed, fanning that spark is your sacred duty. Though the job of tending to the flame is theirs and theirs alone, your duty is to whisper words of encouragement. Global healing does not happen on a grand scale. It happens within each and every home, as you feed the flame in the hearts your loved ones. This is what it means to “keep the home fires burning.”
Each person in your life is a special gift, selected just for you, to hone you, shape you, and deliver exactly the tools you need to fulfill your greater purpose on this planet. Your lives are intertwined for this special purpose.
Feeding fires is a sacred task. Generously offer words of encouragement and kindness. Take the time to see your loved ones… to truly see, know, and love them. And in doing so, know that you yourself are fully seen, known and loved.