Listen. Relax. Open. Allow. Permit your mind to wander. Gather the thoughts and inspiration dancing just at the edge of consciousness, waiting to break through your awareness.
Tiny acts of kindness are just as powerful as big ones. The smallest act of kindness – like bringing your partner a cup of coffee, tying a child’s shoe laces, or brushing someone’s hair – sends a healing wave of resonance through the planet.
The world is so thirsty for these small acts of kindness. Today, consider sending a text to a friend who you haven’t contacted in a while. Let them know that you are thinking of them and that they are loved. Better yet, let them know exactly what it is that you love about them.
Don’t be afraid of vulnerability. Vulnerability its a gateway to kindness. You need to pass through it to step into the sweetness of your soul. There is nothing as powerful as a brave act of kindness. Though the fear of looking foolish feels uncomfortable, moving through awkwardness in the pursuit of kindness is part of your evolutionary journey.
There are actually many barriers to kindness. The first barrier is ambivalence, which is rooted in self-centeredness. The second barrier is lack of awareness, which is rooted in distraction. The third barrier is the unwillingness to expend time / money / energy, which is rooted in greed. The fourth barrier is the fear of looking foolish, which is rooted in cowardice.
Look at the gifts you receive when you make kindness a habit! By setting kindness as your intention, your attention moves from self to other. Becoming aware of people in need, you learn to focus. You’re less distracted. As you willingly allow your heart to open to the people around you, you become more generous. And finally, your heart grows bolder and stronger with each act of kindness.
Today, cultivate the character traits that come from developing a practice of kindness.