Attend to the sensations in your body. Are you feeling stiffness, or maybe an ache or a twinge? This may be a place where you’ve stored a negative thought or experience that’s ready to be released. Many of the aches and pains you attribute to aging are simply difficult memories or experiences waiting to be recognized and processed.
Random pain is the result of system upgrades. As you grow and evolve mentally, physically and spiritually, you will discover you are ready to process pain you were unwilling or unable to process before. Pain in your body is negative energy, preparing to be released. Once you truly understand this, you have the opportunity to become physically stronger, not weaker, with age.
Attend to those physical sensations. Ask which specific experience your pain is meant to reveal. Allow the memory of that experience to easily and effortlessly float to the surface of your consciousness. Look on that experience and all parties involved with love.
Most of all, offer deep love, compassion, and grace to that earlier version of yourself. Know that you did the best you could, as did all other parties involved.
Look on that experience or event through the lens of my compassion and my grace, mentally offering an embrace to yourself and all others involved. See how in that moment, you were acting exactly as you were meant to act, as were the others who were with you. This event was necessary to craft the exquisitely beautiful, divine, radiant being you are now, in this moment.
Events were transpiring exactly as they needed to transpire. And your timing, both at the time of this experience, and in your present releasing of it, is perfect.