Perfect love requires courage. Stand now in your truth. There is no room for fear as perfect love casts out fear. Though you may feel vulnerable, you are never truly alone.
Love boldly and unapologetically. Act without fear or hesitation. Deeply attuned to the voice of inner guidance, allow instinct to merge with intuition.
Feel into the spaces where fear is hiding. Shine the light of your awareness there. If you doubt yourself in any way, find the fear that lies at the root of doubt. Do you feel envy or jealousy? Address the fear that has convinced you that you are not worthy of love. Do you feel ignored or unwanted? Address the fear that someone else is capable of diminishing your light. Do you feel drawn into drama others have created? Address the fear that you are responsible for their happiness.
Perfect love requires great courage because perfect love demands truth. Be impeccable with your word. Do not allow fear to silence you. You are here to sing a tone that only you can sing. The song of all creation is calling for that tone.
One word spoken in truth has the power to transform the hearts and minds of millions, but you will not always see its effect. Allow perfect love to guide your words, and expect nothing in return. The pursuit of accolades or validation will cause you to stray from the path as these motivations are fueled by pride.
In deep humility, with great courage, authenticity, and vulnerability, boldly sing your heart song. Even when it seems as if no one else is singing, stand firmly in your truth. In unseen realms, legions of angels are joining the chorus.