Mistrust of others is rooted in mistrusting one’s self. When you continually question the motives of others, it means your own motives are less than pure. This is a hard reality to accept. But identifying our own dishonesty offers great freedom.
Ask yourself, “Where have I been keeping secrets? Where am I using stories to hide the truth?” When you recognize that these stories represent perspective and not truth, you’ve taken the first step towards re-gaining your power.
In situations where your stories are creating fractured relationships, try re-telling the story from the other person’s perspective. By viewing these experiences from another person’s perspective, you immediately soften towards them. Maybe you become aware of the fear that lies at the heart of both their stories and your own. Rather than feeling mistrustful, you feel a sense of compassion, or even familiarity.
This resonant energy of cooperation can be sensed by others. As you practice truth-telling, you will find that people are naturally drawn to you. Just as mistrust creates separation and more mistrust — spreading like a virus through families, communities, nations, and the planet — synarchy (the spirit of teamwork) creates unity — resonating through families, communities, nations, and the planet. Seeds of mistrust or synarchy are planted in each and every person you meet.
The ability to trust others can only begin when you’ve learned to trust yourself. Begin cultivating the habit of truth-telling today. Make a commitment to tell the truth, even when it’s difficult. Be compassionate with yourself and others when mistakes are made. This provides a safe space for transparency and honesty.
Celebrate truth by trusting in your ability to make good choices. Trust that you are guided in your decision-making processes. Become deeply attuned to the voice of inner guidance and allow your actions to be guided by that voice. In time, you will become keenly aware of the difference between the voice of self and the voice of inner guidance. As you cultivate a spirit of authenticity you will come to trust the authenticity in others, paving the way for global synarchy.