If you’re not laughing, it means you’re missing the joke. It is with great love that we say… people tend to take this life experience too seriously. Life is meant to be a grand adventure; a rich, wondrous, exciting carnival where you get to choose the rides!
Each moment of your day is unfolding exactly as you choose. Though the circumstances, events, and outcomes change, your response to them is either misery or joy, according to your choosing. Even events that caused great suffering in the past can be a source of great healing in the present. And events in the present, even if they seem unwanted, can be transformed into a source of joy, wonder, surprise, and delight.
Imagine a young child. She is entirely unaware of the context that gives rise to her moment-by-moment encounters. She has no words to encapsulate, define or contain the things she perceives with her senses. She does not deem one thing “important” and another “unimportant”. This child interacts with life from the perspective that each person, flower, insect or food is there purely for her enjoyment. Even her own fingers, toes, and hands are a marvel to behold. Her body is magical as it allows her to interact with this amazing world where there is so much to explore and discover.
Return now to that freshness, that simplicity, that innocence. Immersed in the present moment, you remember what truly matters. This is the place where all human beings meet. This is the place where we are connected to every other person on the planet. Each and every one of us has memory of that innocence. See your enemy through the eyes of his mother. Imprint that memory on your heart and you will never see him the same way again. This is the way humanity can transcend divisiveness, contradiction, and fractures in the unified field of consciousness.
Attuned to your own body, attuned to your own sensory awareness, breathing air deep into your belly, feeling the relaxation that comes from pure positive awareness, you will finally understand the joke. The answer to the life’s riddle is always the same: “I choose love”.
People make the game look so complex. But it really is that simple. In the face of every injury, every setback, every insult, every judgement, every fear, every worry, every experience of pain or discomfort, the answer is always the same. I choose love. Today, when you are faced with your daily challenges, ask yourself, “What does love look like in this moment?” And soon, you will find yourself laughing along with all the others who are finally getting the joke.