Do you find yourself doubting the wisdom of the divine plan? Sometimes you feel great discomfort in the deep pressure that comes from forgetting the truth of who you really are.
This is a time of great change. Though change is a part of the human experience, global change of this magnitude has never occurred on your planet before. During these turbulent times, it is easy to feel lost and confused.
Take a deep breath and tune into inner consciousness. As often as possible, release your mind from the tyranny of inner dialog. Use your heart, not your mind to express into this life experience.
Read poetry. Poetry is deeply soothing as it uses words to paint pictures in your mind. Read the inspired words of Rumi, Hafiz, David in the Psalms, and Japanese poets. Sing the words of the poems, allowing your voice to lend dimension and color to the words.
Allow your hands to move. Whenever possible, use hand and body movement as opposed to words to express your feelings and interact with the world around you. Some may call this movement “dance”. But it need not follow structure. Simply let your hands move as if they have a mind of their own. Put a brush in your hand and allow your hand to paint.
While words are the language of the mind, images, music and movement are the language of the spirit.
Doubt disappears in the presence of living spirit. Spiritual truths are not perceived with the mind, but with the heart. These are the truths that emerge when you have the courage to dive deep into the infinite sea of consciousness.
Your heart is much more powerful and resilient than your mind. When you spend your time thinking, it is easy to get overwhelmed. During these challenging times, the feeling of overwhelm causes you to doubt the perfect unfolding of the divine plan. Allow your heart to bring you back to the certainty that all is well.
You are blessed. You are loved. You are cared for, celebrated, and guided. Even in the darkest hour, your heart remembers that love is the very canvas upon which this planet’s story is being written.