Have faith that all is well. Know that right now, in this very moment, events are conspiring on your behalf. The stars are aligned to create magic as your deepest desires manifest easily and effortlessly in physical form.
The hard part is over, dear one. The foundation has been laid. Your dedication to visualizing the life of your dreams has paid off. Even the smallest seeds of faith have been watered and are now growing into something so much larger than you ever could have imagined. If even faith the size of a mustard seed can cause a mountain to move, how much more will your intentions reverberate through the entire earth, past the planets and stars, lighting up the very cosmos with the intensity of your desire?
This is the energy of creation. Water each of your dreams with love. Tend to them with kindness and compassion. Create space for them to grow. And soon, you will laugh at any doubt that was keeping those dreams at bay. Because in the very moment your faith is stronger than your doubt, your dreams have no choice but to manifest in physical form.
Be aware that the dreams themselves are intertwined with challenges. These challenges are special gifts, chosen specifically for you to hone you, shape you, make you into this divine incarnation in physical form who has chosen to heal your soul, as well as the soul of the universal collective.
Your dreams are the wrapping paper and the bow. But your challenges are the gift. In receiving your challenges with grace and your dreams with joy, your life’s purpose is fulfilled.