When you truly see another person, your own radiance is reflected back to you. It’s a kind of remembering, where your truest essence is revealed through other. In that brief moment, you sense all this person has become, not only through this lifetime, but through the accumulated experiences of countless lifetimes.
The secret to being seen is to fully see; having the humility to truly witness another person. Often times, you are so busy curating the image you hope to project that you forget to simply quiet your mind and shine the full light of your focus on another.
Rather than seeking to impress, allow your heart to soak in the magic of being in the presence of another person. All your accolades, your achievements, your adventures, your magnificent exploits on this planet – all the things you believe make you special – pale in comparison to the radiance of the being that shines through your eyes when you simply quiet your mind and see the people around you. In this state of presence, you will witness evidence of the divine, and they will witness evidence of the divine in you.
Your achievements and accomplishments actually get in the way as ego clings to this false sense of identity. The more successful you become, the more your ego-identity prevents you from being the most authentic version of yourself.
False humility is also a trap as it leaves your ego-identity fully in tact. In fact, false humility strengthens ego-identity. Release the need to strengthen ego-identity. Release the need to be seen, to feel “special”. Open your heart in full vulnerability. Allow yourself to bear witness to the magic, the mystery, the wonder in another human soul. In doing so, you will witness the radiance in your own.