The process of spiritual awakening is often accompanied by great agitation. At one moment, you receive clarity, insight, and great epiphanies. Later, sometimes only a moment later, you find yourself in great upset, distress and chaos. The upset may take the form of irrational anger or frustration with those around you. Or it may be a general sensation of anxiety, like there is something important that is being ignored or left undone. The upset may come in the form of deep loneliness, feelings of abandonment, or even feelings of betrayal.
Agitation is evidence that your awakening has begun, but your ego is afraid of letting go. It is important to take time to tend to your psyche, sooth the ego, and remind yourself that you’re safe.
Take a deep breath. Clear your mind. Drop into a calm, clear pool of mental serenity. In your mind’s eye, see sunlight or moonlight reflected on the water’s tranquil surface. Feel its coolness on your skin as this sensation of serenity envelopes your entire body.
From that place of calm, ask inner guidance for inspiration. There is a dream you are meant to birth. But in a place of agitation, your thoughts are too fragmented to see it. Ask inner guidance for clarity and direction, then take action. Do not doubt your ability to carry out this mission. The desire would not be placed in your heart if you were not able to accomplish it. The fruition of this desire will require discipline and effort. But the effort will bring you joy as you unite with your own soul in the fulfilling of this dream.
This is your sacred role in the great awakening of human consciousness. Each human soul will play their part in this lifetime and in subsequent lifetimes. None will be left behind. It is just a matter of time and karmic pressure before every soul transcends the consciousness that defined this epoch and emerges into a new one. Take heart in knowing your agitation indicates your own rebirth is at hand!