My Ayahuasca Ceremony – 4 Days Prior

Yesterday’s blog post gave me introspection overload. In an effort to prevent reader’s cramp (is that even a thing?) this post will contain a story of high adventure and pictures of gorgeous waterfalls. But first, here is the transcript from this morning’s 20 minute guided meditation: Relax. There is no pressure to get it right…


The Hero Archetype

“Why is it that I think I need to rescue heroes?” she laughed… Then she cried. The pattern in several failed attempts at romance was suddenly crystal clear. She kept falling for heroes. The problem was, she wasn’t a damsel in distress. I told her that rescuing heros is just another version of a hero…


God Expands As We Expand

This morning, you asked a beautiful question: If we are in this time / space reality, experiencing the illusion of separation, experiencing the illusion of lack and limitation, experiencing the contrast between what we want and the reality we are currently living, so that God / the Universe can expand, how will there ever be…
