The Great Cosmic Romance

The reason you aren’t able to create a love list is because in your truest form of union, you will fall in love with who you become, as well as the man who inspires you to become it. In your perfect union, there is a sweetness, kindness, tenderness that wells up inside of you and…


Limitless Love

In contemplating the nature of life’s truest purpose, you will understand that this purpose is one that applies to every human being. Your truest purpose is simple, though embodying it confounds even the greatest sages. Life’s purpose is to love. Love God / Source / Higher Power / I Am. Love yourself. Love each other.…


Perfect Health

There are tensions you have been holding in your body for a very long time. Habitual thought patterns rooted in victim mentality become stuck in these tension points. Deep rest, while attending to direction from inner guidance, will help identify these tension points and release them. The shoulders, jaw, and stomach are common repositories for…


The Forge

There is great power in this day. In truth, there is great power in any moment you align with this truth: Events are unfolding exactly as they are meant to unfold. The entire Universe is conspiring on your behalf. Everything is occurring is for your greater good. There is not a single event in your…



There is ancient wisdom in your body, ancient rhythms locked inside your DNA. Close your eyes for a moment and breath deeply. Can you feel the magic? The sense of relaxation that comes from that wordless place? Go deep into the space between your eyes. Feel your sinuses open and expand. Take another deep breath…



Your higher self is capable of a much deeper, purer form of love than human love. Consequently, your higher self is the love you yearn for. Similarly, you are not capable of loving another human being more than their higher self is capable of loving them. Their own higher self is the love they are…


Transmuting Energy

What many people perceive as depression or anxiety is actually a new spiritual energy that has arrived on this earth to assist in the transcendence of human consciousness. The fact that you interpret this assistance as anxiety or depression – as something negative – is evidence that ego is resisting your ascension. Receiving the gift…


The Performance of a Lifetime

Your world is addicted to drama. And there are so many forms of drama to choose from! Everywhere you turn, there is opportunity to get sucked deeper into the illusion of separation; to believe the story that “other” is real, and “other” is responsible for your suffering. The more you refuse to identify with emotional…


The Power of Surrender

Surrender isn’t about giving up. It’s about letting go of external validation. Surrender provides the shift in perspective that helps identify what you truly want – the things that truly matter. Maybe you’ve dreamed of having your own business. Surrender may be accepting a job that provides freedom and abundance. Maybe you’ve dreamed of finding…
