Each Person Is A Gift

Bear witness to each other’s joys and struggles. Become a space-holder who listens attentively and with deep compassion to these beautiful spirits around you expressing into human form. Be one who listens with equanimity, entirely free of judgement, even (and especially) as others explore the depths of their victim-consciousness. Do not shy away from the…


No one believes they are selfish. Yet nearly everyone is primarily driven by their own self-interest. The drive to promote a personal agenda is often mistaken for strength. True strength lies in the willingness to release your personal agenda. Even acting on behalf of others comes from a place of selfishness when your agenda becomes…


Arrogance exists in almost every archetype. Most of the shadow frequencies are obsessed with the word “I”. This exaggerated sense of self creates the illusion that your perspective is more correct than anyone else’s. Consider this. Is there anyone else who’s perspective is more accurate than yours? Is there anyone who is more “right” than…


Have you ever wondered what would happen if people only consumed what their bodies needed? In Western societies where food is abundant, people would dramatically decrease their consumption of food, leading to less freighters on the oceans, less airplanes in the sky, less trucks on the freeways, less heavy machinery in the fields, less pesticides…


Mistrust of others is rooted in mistrusting one’s self. When you continually question the motives of others, it means your own motives are less than pure. This is a hard reality to accept. But identifying our own dishonesty offers great freedom. Ask yourself, “Where have I been keeping secrets? Where am I using stories to…

Make Kindness a Habit

Listen. Relax. Open. Allow. Permit your mind to wander. Gather the thoughts and inspiration dancing just at the edge of consciousness, waiting to break through your awareness. Tiny acts of kindness are just as powerful as big ones. The smallest act of kindness – like bringing your partner a cup of coffee, tying a child’s…


Sweet sisters and brothers, you are meant to hold hands. In disconnection, you feel great sadness. Like children playing at the playground, you are meant to play together, laugh together, cry together, dance together, and sing together, living in community. Come together now in union. Gather around a fire. Tell your stories. Sing your songs.…

You Are Called To Rise

Expand beyond the place of judgement. Expand beyond perceptions of lack and limitation. Expand beyond the feeling you’ve been wronged by anyone or anything. Expand into that place of inner knowing where all is well, all is as it should be, all is as it was ever meant to be. You are safe. You are…

Your Gifts Are Desired

Collaborate. Seek community with like-minded spiritual adventurers. Do not shy from taking a leadership roll when there is a void. This void has been created just for you as a means of teaching you to step into your power. Your gifts are desired. Your unique talents and skills are needed and wanted. There is a…