There is ancient wisdom in your body, ancient rhythms locked inside your DNA. Close your eyes for a moment and breath deeply. Can you feel the magic? The sense of relaxation that comes from that wordless place?
Go deep into the space between your eyes. Feel your sinuses open and expand. Take another deep breath and release tension in the jaw. Take one more deep breath as you relax into your tailbone. Breath gently here for 4-5 breaths.
Relax fully, allowing any sensation of fear, loneliness or wanting. to surface now. Then gently release it. It does not serve you.
Ask inner guidance how to access your body’s ancient wisdom. This deep ancestral wisdom is the source of great healing power. The most powerful healing wisdom is so ancient, it comes from a time when sentient beings had tails. The regenerative power of this wisdom is so profound, it will allow any person to restructure DNA, grow new tissue and reverse signs of aging. It is the same mechanism a lizard uses to re-grow its tail or the seemingly miraculous means by which a starfish can grow an entirely new body from a single arm. Once you access this healing knowledge, cancer and any other disease is harmless.
Our ancestors understood the power of ceremony in unlocking the inner mechanisms that provide deep healing. It takes courage to enter into the mystical realm of ceremony. Ask your own inner guidance what form your ceremony should take.
Ancient people used the movement of the planets and stars, the phases of the moon and the changing of the seasons to anchor their sacred ceremonies. If a particular time feels significant to you, use it. Be aware of the gentle tug calling you to ceremony. If you are reading this, it is because you are being called to ceremony now.
Your inner guidance will help determine what form your ceremony will take. Maybe it’s fire, drumming, meditative music, writing, deep rest or a sacred plant medicine ceremony. Ask inner guidance to speak clearly, then act on your intuition.
Don’t worry about getting it “right”. Any action becomes ceremonial when it is infused with intention. The sincere intention in your heart, not the activity itself, is what is most important.
Open, allow, relax and release. Listen deeply. Ask for help. There is so much love for you here, precious one. In ceremony, the healing power of that love will unlock ancient wisdom lying dormant inside of you.