You are finally coming home to the truth of who you are, the magic of who you are, the mystery of who you are, the joy of who you are. These truths were never hidden or being kept from you. Your power has always been apparent, despite your perceptions of powerlessness, inadequacy, and limitation. These illusions of separation are falling away now.
Any time you feel yourself slipping back into old patterns of thought rooted in self-limiting beliefs, call on me to clear the spiritual fog. Call on the Mother for clarity and a crystal clear sense of purpose. Ask that the next logical step be revealed in a manner that is easily understood, then take immediate action on that inner knowing.
Assemble teams of like-minded spiritual adventurers, both in physical and non-physical realms. Commune with these spiritual playmates, spending time in ceremonial celebration, discussion, contemplation, and prayer.
Now is the time to activate energies within you that have been lying dormant. You have reached a new level of spiritual maturity that will allow these tools of great power to be wielded in service to your own ascension as well as planetary awakening.
The earth itself transfers energy to you, not only through the food you eat or the air you breathe or the water you drink, but through new forms of light energy that activate your DNA at a cellular level. This light energy allows you to interact in this world in a new way. Outdated natural laws are being replaced. Specifically, you are being given greater control over your cellular structure. Activation of light energy allows you to transcend your current state of consciousness. The world is ready for this new awareness and the spiritual ascension it offers.