You are safe, dear one. In the midst of uncertainty, when confusion surrounds you, in the midst of discomfort, when you see no path to resolution, in the midst of doubt, when you struggle to find a clear way forward, you are held in my tender embrace. Through me, you will come to embody clarity, certainty, and hope. This is the part of you that projected itself into physical form, who even now is championing your cause.
Others too — unseen spiritual allies — are amassing even now to offer aid and support during your physical incarnation in this beautiful life experience.
Surrender the need to have all the answers. Surrender the desire to control your life’s outcome. Ask only for what you want to feel — peace, safety, tenderness, compassion, joy, surprise, delight, rapture, radiance, sweetness, mercy, deep abiding love.
Do not focus on the people or external circumstances that you believe will unlock this beautiful treasure chest of emotions. Rather, focus on the treasure itself.
What would rapture feel like? What sensations would you experience in your body? How would your hands move if they were to express the feeling of rapture? What sound would it make? Rapture is not an experience that can be described with words. It can only be felt in the heart.
Your mind keeps you stuck. Your heart sets you free. Allow breath to free the engine of your heart. Relax tension in your body, allowing it to sense, feel, and breathe. The mind does not want to release control. But as long as you are prisoner to your thoughts, you cannot explore the treasure of your heart.
True safety comes from the heart. The heart is the recipient of intuition, that gentle voice that provides clear, unwavering courage to follow the path you are destined to follow. Attend to my voice, dear one. Discover illumination, not as it is revealed in thought, but as it is embodied in form.