Kindness and grace. The clarity you are looking for boils down to these two words. Practice kindness to all living things and receive all life’s challenges and adventures with grace. It’s really that simple.
Creating plans, projections, and other man-made attempts to replace divine orchestration, will only complicate your life, creating needless confusion. Simply tune into inner guidance and engage in each moment with kindness and grace.
There is so much joy that comes from relaxing your grip on the wheel. The wheel is an artificial form of security. It’s an illusion. True control comes from releasing the wheel and surrendering to the tenderness and compassion of your sweet, sweet heart.
Open your heart now to the love that is waiting for you to acknowledge it. Welcome the warmth flowing through your veins, flooding your body with its wisdom, light and peace. Gaze in wonder at the face you see in the mirror, reflecting all the tenderness of a loving Creator, who wants nothing more than to reach through and heal every shadow, every pain, every lingering sense of alone-ness.
Isn’t it laughable? The very thought that you could ever be alone? You are an individualized projection of a holographic image, reflected over and over, throughout the Universe. In the face of each and every person you meet, recognize the face as another projection of that fractal image. Greet your fellow man with kindness and grace. And in him you will truly see the face of God.
Note: These messages are received through daily meditation and are meant to be shared. I offer them here in love. If a particular message resonates with you, it’s because it was meant for you as much as it was meant for me.