Do you find that nobody lives up to your expectations? Are you continually disappointed by society, co-workers, friends or even loved ones who fail to meet your needs?
Though you fully believe that you are doing more than anyone else, it’s still not enough to get others to behave the way you want them to behave. No matter how much you do, or how hard you try, your efforts are not reciprocated. There is a deep sadness inside of you, a feeling that you love others more than they love you.
The ego loves to evaluate. Concepts of doing more, caring more, and loving more are all subtle forms of evaluation. And evaluation is a form of judgement.
The tendency to judge others is a reflection of internal judgement. The more harshly you judge yourself, the more harshly you will judge others. The reverse is also true. The more harshly you judge others, the more harshly you will judge yourself. This is what is meant by “Judge not, lest ye be judged.”
Evaluation relies on a mental measuring stick to determine whether someone is falling short of your standards. Your own arbitrary set of values are the marks on this measuring stick. As your values are not always the values prioritized by those around you, you interpret their failure to “meet the mark” as lack of love. Your self-esteem erodes and in time, you feel empty, miserable and alone.
What would it feel like to break the measuring stick? What would it feel like to absolve yourself and others of all those unmet expectations? What if you finally stopped performing for the ghost in your head, the voice that demands you live up to some impossibly lofty standard? What if you could truly see each human’s value as equal to your own? Your worthiness, and the worth of every human being, is not determined by achievements, but by the intrinsic value of life itself.
Each person on your planet is playing a role that has been divinely orchestrated. Everything is unfolding according to a divine plan. Even character traits you deem unfavorable or circumstances you feel are unwanted are part of this perfect story.
Each person is nothing less than the Divine expressing into physical form. Through your experience of sickness, fear, anger, frustration, pain and loneliness, the Divine experiences duality.
You are perfect in your imperfection. Align with the goodness that surrounds you, that has held you since birth. There is nothing and no-one apart from this divine perfection.
Perfection is not living up to your self-created measuring stick. It’s remembering that you cannot be anything other than perfect, as you are the embodiment of the Divine.