No one believes they are selfish. Yet nearly everyone is primarily driven by their own self-interest. The drive to promote a personal agenda is often mistaken for strength. True strength lies in the willingness to release your personal agenda.
Even acting on behalf of others comes from a place of selfishness when your agenda becomes attached to theirs. In this way, it is difficult to identify your own selfish behaviors.
Selflessness offers freedom and expansion while selfishness creates constriction. Ask yourself, “In this situation, am I feeling expansion or constriction?” If you feel constriction, your perspective is selfish.
True selflessness honors all perspectives and all paths, especially those that are not in alignment with your own. Selflessness rises above “me and mine” to encompass the entirety.
True selflessness is an emptying, not a filling. Selflessness in its purest form is the absence of self, the release of ego-attachments that contribute to stories of identity. Being selfless requires great mental flexibility.
Any statement that could include the word “I” is an ego-story. There is nothing wrong with these stories, as long as you recognize them for what they are. These stories are created from the weight you arbitrarily assign to a set of values which emerged from your own specific life experiences. As each person has their own unique life experience, each person’s values will be different.
These self-centric stories are hiding a more authentic and beautiful version of humanity — one whose collective story is infinitely more magnificent than all of your individual stories.
One by one, as you become free from your stories and personal agendas, you will shine with an inner radiance, offering peace, comfort, and love to all who come into your presence.