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The good in me sees, witnesses and acknowledges the good in you. This is the essence of the namaskar, the greeting of “namaste”. The heart that is capable of truly seeing another human being is rare. Your minds are often too distracted by your own needs, wants, and agendas to hold space for the needs,…


The expansiveness of life is so wonderful. Would you agree? If your life feels small – if you are resigned to lack and limitation in any aspect of your life – you have not stepped into the fullness of who you are. There is no such thing as an inspiration you are not fully worthy…

You Are Safe

Gratitude. What are you thankful for in this moment? As you sit, relax and allow your mind to clear. Allow your heart to open. Consult inner guidance, asking the question, “What does my soul want me to know?” Then just sit and quietly listen. From that place of inner knowing, you will become aware of…


What you do for one, you do for many. The kindness you offer to one person, one plant or one animal, radiates through all of creation in a vibrational wave of communion. There is no such thing as a wasted deed. Though it may seem that a kind act or word falls on deaf ears,…

God’s Timing

Stop resisting happiness. Stop making excuses as to why your life should be anything but pure bliss. Stop trying to justify your success or achievements by expending time, energy and money. Stop thinking it has to be hard. Relax. Enjoy. Play. Savor the ease with which your life unfolds, virtually effortlessly, calling all that you…

Color Your Life With Love

Have faith, precious one. When you feel darkness, loneliness, despair, or just lack clarity, have faith that all is well. Events are unfolding precisely as they are meant to unfold. And our timing – both yours and mine – is perfect. There is nothing that has been left undone. There are no words that have…

Allow Your Reservoir to Fill

Childlike wonder. Expansive joy. Laughter. Love. Pure bliss. These are the states of being you offer this world. These are the points of consciousness that transcend circumstances, events, or even the relationships in your life. Transcendent states are only achieved when you are fully attuned to your spiritual vibrational field of resonance. This reality is…

Kindness and Grace

Kindness and grace. The clarity you are looking for boils down to these two words. Practice kindness to all living things and receive all life’s challenges and adventures with grace. It’s really that simple. Creating plans, projections, and other man-made attempts to replace divine orchestration, will only complicate your life, creating needless confusion. Simply tune…