You Are Called To Rise

Expand beyond the place of judgement. Expand beyond perceptions of lack and limitation. Expand beyond the feeling you’ve been wronged by anyone or anything. Expand into that place of inner knowing where all is well, all is as it should be, all is as it was ever meant to be. You are safe. You are…

Your Unique Vibrational Signature

There is holiness in this moment. Can you feel it? Can you hear the sacred hum, the buzz of energy liquifying the air around you as it condenses into something more solid than the air just beyond your field of energy? This unique vibrational signature is the purest version of you, unblemished by your ego,…

Busyness Is A Choice

Your mind struggles under the weight of busyness. Mental clutter distracts you, preventing you from hearing the voice of inner guidance, from receiving the precious messages that will make your life so much more joyful, so much lighter, so much more playful, so much richer, so much more rewarding. Stop. Relax into the sweet stillness.…

Release Old Stories

Take a deep breath. Relax into this moment. Now think of your deepest desire. How pure is your energy as you think about the thing you most want? Do you feel anxious, because achieving your dream requires talent, ability, or physical characteristics you aren’t sure you possess? Do you feel tired, fearing you lack the…

Unconditional Love

You have no control over whether or not your love is received by another. Your job is only to offer love freely, unconditionality, in an unending stream, without expectation – even the expectation that your love will ever be returned. Now… do this. Over and over. Experience awe and wonder at the profound beauty of…

Your Success is Inevitable

There is no reason to play small in this world, where literally anything you can imagine is possible. The big dream calling you forward, your most grandiose desire, is nothing more than your soul calling you to play. Ask for the world, and it will be yours! Travel, adventure, love, money, friends, the ability to…

Trust Your Body

Trust your body. Trust inner wisdom and guidance, as your spirit consumes you in a holy fire of desire. Witness the beauty of the world around you. Feel its perfection as it penetrates your being. revealing the wonder and mystery hidden in the soul of the world. Feel your body respond to that wonder –…

An Invitation To Play

The biggest dreams are the ones that activate the broadest range of universal forces. Your collaborators in the unseen love to rise to the challenge! The size of your dream is a reflection of the depth of your faith. Big dreams are so rewarding because in both the inception of the desire and the pursuit…

Your Gifts Are Desired

Collaborate. Seek community with like-minded spiritual adventurers. Do not shy from taking a leadership roll when there is a void. This void has been created just for you as a means of teaching you to step into your power. Your gifts are desired. Your unique talents and skills are needed and wanted. There is a…