Time of Expansion

It’s not your job to keep the universe spiraling. That is our work and it happens without your intervention, or even your intention. Similarly, there are mountains being moved on your behalf that are beyond your intention or awareness. Even now, events are conspiring for your greater good and the greater good of All-That-Is. Your…

Restoring Peace

You are being called to prayer. You are being called to devotion. Spirit longs for a connection with you. Go deep. This is the time to allow your heart to fully open to the One who has been calling. Now is the time to seek shelter from the storm. Even joy brings a sense of…

Perfect Health

Perfect health is yours if you claim it. Pain in your body (even signs of aging), are simply parables, written on your body; lessons made manifest in physical form. Once you understand the teachings of the parable, you are free to release physical pain, as it no longer serves you. All dis-ease is a message,…

Soul Embodiment

Embodiment. What does it mean to embody your soul? Embodiment is a spiritual state, where you give your body over to the highest part of you – the part that is God-energy, manifest in you, in this physical form. That God-source energy is your spiritual lifeblood. It is the part of you that existed before…

Claim Your Divine Power

Angels are surrounding you. Right now, in this moment, as you sit in positive expectation – heart open, eager, like a child, to receive the love that is literally saturating the air around you – your lungs and every living cell in your body is being filled with God. Angels are celebrating your connectedness, the…

Your Dance with the Divine

Playmates. Your dance with Spirit is like a friendship. In any human partnership, you become more and more confident in your interactions, as you get to know each other better. You are better able to read cues, to understand nuances, to get each other’s subtle jokes. Your interactions with Spirit are the same. The more…

Your Future Is Secure

Relax. Enjoy the not knowing. Savor the delicious unfolding of this life experience. Your path is assured. Your way has been prepared. Your feet are being gently and confidently led. Like a child learning to take her first steps, you are guided, protected, and so very loved. There is never a single moment when we…