What is the biggest dream in your heart? The one that makes your heart sing? It doesn’t need to be something that changes the world. It’s just something that lights you up inside when you think of it.
Do one small thing today to honor that dream. Offer one small token of love, one small act to acknowledge the fire in your heart. The flame needs fuel to keep burning. Even if it’s a tiny gesture, it will be enough to keep your dream alive.
There are more forces at work than you can imagine. Draw inspiration from others who have gone before you, others who have realized their dreams in the face of adversity and seemingly insurmountable challenges.
If you are feeling stuck, it often means you aren’t thinking big enough. You are worthy of your greatest goal. Settling for anything less will bog you down. Stagnation is indication you’ve settled for a dream that is not worthy of your greatness.
Find a partner who will encourage you to think bigger. Surround yourself with a group of cheerleaders who will help remind you of your limitless potential. Freedom is the prize for leaning into your greatness.