Collaborate. Seek community with like-minded spiritual adventurers. Do not shy from taking a leadership roll when there is a void. This void has been created just for you as a means of teaching you to step into your power.
Your gifts are desired. Your unique talents and skills are needed and wanted. There is a calling that only you can hear; a dream placed in your heart that only you can fulfill.
You will recognize this dream as the thing that makes your spirit come alive when you think about it. This dream energizes you as it calls you forward. As you deepen into your relationship with me, the size and scope of the dream will not feel overwhelming and the necessary action steps will reveal themselves in logical, orderly fashion.
Listen to your soul when it instructs you to just lie in bed or sit in meditation. Open your heart, receiving inspiration and renewal. Create space. This is the time when universal forces will be mobilized on your behalf, orchestrating collaborative energies.
Your actions are just the tiniest tip of the iceberg. But those specific soul-inspired actions are absolutely critical in creating momentum and leveraging universal powers.
If you only knew how very potent the seeds of your imagination are, you would be amazed that so little personal energy is required to make them grow.
Before long, those seeds will take on a life of their own, blessing the lives of millions.