The Calling: Part 2

This post will make more sense if you read The Calling: Part 1 first.  The year before my soul quest journey, our family was visiting the colonial town of Antigua, Guatemala, before spending a month living on Lake Atitlan. Little did I know, one seemly innocuous event would create a subtle shift that would change…

Strong and Lean

All prayers are heard. And all prayers are answered, though the answer may not take the shape and form you are expecting. I respond directly to your deepest needs and longings, unhindered and unimpaired by your limited human perspectives. So often, the thing you think you want is just the opposite of what you truly…

The Calling: Part 1

In early 2018, my friend Dee had given me the book Soulcraft by Bill Plotkin. As that was the year I’d be turning 50, the concept of embarking on a wild, crazy, rendezvous of the soul sounded like a fun way to embrace the journey to elder-hood. Dee and I decided to sign up for…

Fear to Freedom

Last year, I spent over 100 nights sleeping in a hammock. My hammock became a place of comfort, refuge and sanctuary. And by sanctuary, I truly mean “church”. It was the place where I spent many hours in prayer, meditation and contemplation. Most importantly, it became a place where I transmuted fear into freedom, over…

Surrender to Nature

Nature: soft, soothing, sweet, gentle, silent. Nature: violent, immovable, unrelenting, turbulent, wild. Nature is not only a perfect metaphor for the diverse experiences of this human life, it is the catalyst to synthesize all these diverse aspects of human nature… or nature within the human. Surrender to nature – outside and within. Surrender to the…

Wake Up

You are safe. You are protected. You are guided. You are loved. Anything that causes fear is based on illusion. Freedom is your reward for seeing through the illusion. Life really is that simple. Any excuse you make for your fear, any attempt to justify it, only gives it power. The fear is not necessary.…

DNA Activation

You are finally coming home to the truth of who you are, the magic of who you are, the mystery of who you are, the joy of who you are. These truths were never hidden or being kept from you. Your power has always been apparent, despite your perceptions of powerlessness, inadequacy, and limitation. These…

True Power Lies In Surrender

True power lies in surrender. Surrender to the love that is around you now. Do you realize how much effort you’ve been expending to keep the truth of that love away? All your struggle, all your pain, all your aching, your yearning for things which have not yet manifest, are keeping the truth of my…