Soul Love

Oh the glory of being in communion with those you love most is precious beyond compare. However, you do not need to be present in physical form to share in this communion. Your loved one is just as present, if not more present, in non-physical form as in physical form. You need simply reach with…

10 Indications Of Spiritual Awakening

There is a lot of talk in spiritual circles about this new age of enlightenment. More than any time in human history, we are seeing a mass evolution in human consciousness. This movement is yielding a huge influx of newly ascended masters. What the heck does spiritual awakening look like and how do you know…

Smile Therapy

Two days after my ayahuasca experience, I was struggling to regain my footing. I hadn’t eaten since the end of the ceremony because I didn’t want to “get off the ship”. In my mind, if I ate, the ceremony would be over. Most people who’ve attended a powerful retreat can relate to this feeling of…

Sound Healing

Early morning sunlight pierced the bug netting on my hammock, making shifting patterns on my bare legs. As I lay at the very brink of waking consciousness, I became aware of the sound of a woman crying. Then I drifted back to sleep. The sound of crying evoked such an ache in my heart, such…

My Ayahuasca Ceremony

Let me start by saying, I never thought I’d be the type of person who would do ayahuasca. But that statement in and of itself reveals just how naive I was on the topic; making the assumption that ayahuasca has a particular “type”. My ceremony included truth-seekers from all walks of life, many of whom…

My Ayahuasca Ceremony – 4 Days Prior

Yesterday’s blog post gave me introspection overload. In an effort to prevent reader’s cramp (is that even a thing?) this post will contain a story of high adventure and pictures of gorgeous waterfalls. But first, here is the transcript from this morning’s 20 minute guided meditation: Relax. There is no pressure to get it right…