
Do you find yourself doubting the wisdom of the divine plan? Sometimes you feel great discomfort in the deep pressure that comes from forgetting the truth of who you really are. This is a time of great change. Though change is a part of the human experience, global change of this magnitude has never occurred…


Do you find that nobody lives up to your expectations? Are you continually disappointed by society, co-workers, friends or even loved ones who fail to meet your needs? Though you fully believe that you are doing more than anyone else, it’s still not enough to get others to behave the way you want them to…


Uncertainty makes you feel uneasy or even unsafe. With so many choices, you want to know which path is the right one. This uncertainty stems from viewing destiny as a single ultimate reality. Like a path through the forest, the right course is solid and predictable. Straying from the path leads to pain and misery.…


The process of spiritual awakening is often accompanied by great agitation. At one moment, you receive clarity, insight, and great epiphanies. Later, sometimes only a moment later, you find yourself in great upset, distress and chaos. The upset may take the form of irrational anger or frustration with those around you. Or it may be…


Does it feel like you are never enough? Like everyone else received life’s secret code, but someone forgot to give it to you? Like there is something important you are missing? Maybe you suspect you don’t really belong here. You recognize that life is tough for everyone. But sometimes it feels like it’s more difficult…


Grace is the kindness you offer yourself. When you’re feeling sad, lonely or out of sorts, have the grace to pause for reflection and ask, “What does my soul want me to know?” Maybe you need to rest. Maybe you need to go for a hike or a run. Maybe you need to be immersed…

DNA Activation

You are finally coming home to the truth of who you are, the magic of who you are, the mystery of who you are, the joy of who you are. These truths were never hidden or being kept from you. Your power has always been apparent, despite your perceptions of powerlessness, inadequacy, and limitation. These…

The Mother’s Embrace

Being holds infinitely more creative energy than doing. From your place of being, your action steps will feel natural, effortless and inspired. From a place of doing, you will feel depleted, overwhelmed, anxious and tired. Hone your skills in the art of becoming. Embody your soul. As your soul takes the driver’s seat, you will…

Signs and Wonders

Early Thanksgiving week, I was working on a painting project with one of my nearest and dearest friends. I tend to get introspective around the holidays. And much to his chagrin, I launched into esoteric spiritual reflection… aloud. Spirituality is one of my favorite topics and one of his least favorite topics. Since we were…