Holy Union

Holy union. Shared holy union. Sacred. Precious. Rare. Beautiful. This is a goal worthy of you. It is worthy of your time, energy and commitment. Events are unfolding, even now, to bring about this union, that you may experience divine happiness, divine bliss, unsurpassed joy – beyond anything you have experienced. Your body, mind and…

The Need for Touch

You are meant to be touched. You are meant to be held. The sensation of touch, as well as all you perceive with your physical senses, is what sets you apart from all that currently exists in non-physical.  Touch is indeed one of the sensations you were most looking forward to experiencing when you made…

Perfect Union

Perfection union. It is your heart’s desire, its most vital craving. There is no desire stronger than the heart’s longing to be united with another. Precious soul, that love is so much closer than you think. In fact, it has been right in front of you all along. Your own soul is the one you…