Your energy is a microcosm of the sun, which offers light and warmth to your entire planetary system. Humans are photosynthetic beings. Your amazing body converts sunlight to vitamin D. Future humans will derive even more of the body’s nutritional needs directly from the sun.
When you eat plants, you are benefitting from their efficiency in converting sunlight into energy. As you consume food, be mindful of its source.
For example, as you eat a carrot, imagine its ferny carrot top reaching for the sun’s light in the early moments just before dawn. Imagine the rapture, the joy it feels as the sun first touches its leaves. Imagine its roots pressing down, down, down into the cool soil, searching for moisture and nutrients. Imagine the small carrot rooted and strong as winds blow and rain comes down in torrents. Imagine that carrot in the stillness of the night, softly kissed by moonlight, as it waits patiently in the darkness.
Aware of this carrot’s journey, you feel kinship with your food, a sense of gratitude for what may be considered love and sacrifice.
This is a small example of the tremendous support you are receiving each and every moment you spend on this beautiful planet. All of life is contributing to your greater good, nurturing you, supporting you, and eventually bringing the awakening of mankind which will heal the earth.
Feel the light of your own inner fire, which is kept burning with the support of many unseen forces. Shine the light of your awareness on the plant and animal lives that support your own.