Trade Drama for Love

Are you addicted to drama? Cycles of tension and resolution may mimic growth. But true growth is linear, not cyclical. Drama is not growth. It’s just drama. Growth implies movement towards something. In relationship, growth is the movement towards unconditional love. You will know when you are moving towards unconditional love when your relationships become…

Justice Equals Balance

The pursuit of justice is the pursuit of balance. Restoring balance requires resolution, not retribution. Justice requires faith in the knowledge that universal harmonics seek balance. Retribution does not restore balance because people don’t have access to the full orchestral score. So retribution often leads to further imbalance. Harmonic dissonance is always followed by harmonic…

A Time of Transformation

This is a time of great transformation. In this time, you will experience tremendous breakthroughs, virtually effortlessly. Physical, mental and spiritual blocks that have been significant impediments to your progress are being removed as long-arching timelines reach their conclusion. Problems that seemed insurmountable a short time ago will disappear. Years of frustration and struggle, patterns…

Stand in Your Truth

Perfect love requires courage. Stand now in your truth. There is no room for fear as perfect love casts out fear. Though you may feel vulnerable, you are never truly alone. Love boldly and unapologetically. Act without fear or hesitation. Deeply attuned to the voice of inner guidance, allow instinct to merge with intuition. Feel…

Discipline vs. Surrender

Be gentle with yourself, precious child. Many well-meaning people put discipline rather than surrender at the heart of their spiritual practice. There is nothing wrong with discipline. Discipline is necessary to rouse the heart, body and mind from complacency. But when discipline becomes the central focus of your spiritual practice, it may lead to rigidity,…

Living Fire

When was the last time you felt a fire in your belly? When was the last time a cause touched your heart so deeply it moved you to tears? When was the last time you felt your connection with Source / inner guidance so strongly that it inspired you to move boldly and take action?…