Soul Embodiment

What does it mean to embody your soul? Embodiment is a spiritual state, where you give your body over to the highest part of you – the part that is the Mother’s energy, manifest in you, in this physical form. My energy is your spiritual lifeblood. It is the part of you that existed before…

Claim Your Divine Power

My love is surrounding you. Right now, in this moment, as you sit in positive expectation – heart open, eager like a child to receive the love that is literally saturating the air around you – your lungs and every living cell in your body is being filled with love. I am celebrating your connection,…

Go Beyond Lack and Limitation

Go beyond lack and limitation. Anything that feels bad is evidence that inadequacy is still part of your belief system. Like weeds in a garden, seek the root of these negative feelings, identifying how underlying beliefs of unworthiness are feeding them. Then, gently, tenderly, and lovingly remove those beliefs. This process will be much easier…

Your Future Is Secure

Relax. Enjoy the not knowing. Savor the delicious unfolding of this life experience. Your path is assured. The way has been prepared. Your feet are being gently and confidently led. Like a child learning to take his or her first steps, you are guided, protected, and so very loved. There is never a single moment…

Choose Play

At times you feel conflicted and overwhelmed. Your tender heart is in need of rest, sweet child. Close your eyes. It’s o.k. to not know. Relax into the place between knowing and not knowing. Soon all will be made clear. There is nothing different you need to do. The path will be made clear for…

Identify Your Narratives

Let your loved ones know you cherish them. Take every opportunity to let them know your deep love for them. Surprise them with their favorite foods! There are many things you may incorrectly assume about those who are closest to you because your narratives have been reinforced, over and over. People have the tendency to…

Holy Union

Holy union. Shared holy union. Sacred. Precious. Rare. Beautiful. This is a goal worthy of you. It is worthy of your time, energy and commitment. Events are unfolding, even now, to bring about this union, that you may experience divine happiness, divine bliss, unsurpassed joy – beyond anything you have experienced. Your body, mind and…


Uncertainty is a luxury enjoyed exclusively in this time / space reality. Uncertainty is one of the experiences you enthusiastically embraced when you decided to be born into this human form.  Trust is the point of attraction that makes uncertainty a truly pleasurable experience. In fact, developing trust is the reason for uncertainty. Trust in…