Divine Timing

Divine timing is a fulcrum that provides leverage to quickly and easily manifest all your deepest desires. You are meant to have each and every one of your soul’s desires. You are not meant to struggle and expend needless effort in achieving your goals. Save that life-force energy for your rich, beautiful relationship with others…

The Need for Touch

Humans are meant to be touched. They are meant to be held. The sensation of touch, as well as all you perceive with your physical senses, is what sets you apart from all that exists in the realms of the non-physical. Touch is indeed one of the sensations you were most looking forward to experiencing…

Perfect Unity

Perfect unity. This is your heart’s desire, its quintessential craving. There is no desire stronger than the heart’s longing to be fully and completely united. Precious child, that love is so much closer than you think. In fact, it has been right in front of you all along. Your own soul is the one you…

Structure and Routine

People crave routine. As much as you enjoy being in new, exciting locations, you crave structure in your days as structure allows you to feel safe. This structure changes to accommodate the seasons of life. And of course you should resist structures that prevent you from following your heart’s calling. But structure provides a sense…

A Time of Clarity

You are coming into a time of clarity, a time of inner knowing where your path will come clear and this time of uncertainty and waiting will all make sense. You will see the great love with which these plans were orchestrated, feeling so very blessed that so much divine care and attention to your…

Quiet Your Mind

I can be found in the quiet places of your heart, dear one. For this reason, it is so important to rest. In the stillness of your soul, in your body’s perfect silence, words disappear as they are replaced by impressions of love. Words are the language of the ego. Images are the language of…