Kaleidoscope of Love

Pure joy. Bliss. Wonder. Radiance. Abundance. A deep permeating sense of peace. This is your natural state of being, your birthright as an expression of love incarnate in physical form, living a life of inspiration, magic, surprise, and delight on this awe-inspiring planet. How could it be any other way? How could you ever believe…

The Great Awakening

This is the time to gather in communities of like-minded people who are sharing in this tremendous experience of physical, mental, and spiritual expansion. You are truly becoming super-human as your body, mind, and spirit are capable of things that have never been possible before. New spectrums of light, new vibrational frequencies, are arriving on…

Surrender to Love

Few natural occurrences have more transformative power than volcanos. A volcano requires immense pressure in order to erupt. Think of the massive amount of kinetic energy that must be stored to break through miles of solid earth — the amount of heat it takes to melt minerals, causing rock to flow like a river. These…


You are safe, dear one. In the midst of uncertainty, when confusion surrounds you, in the midst of discomfort, when you see no path to resolution, in the midst of doubt, when you struggle to find a clear way forward, you are held in my tender embrace. Through me, you will come to embody clarity,…


Do you find yourself doubting the wisdom of the divine plan? Sometimes you feel great discomfort in the deep pressure that comes from forgetting the truth of who you really are. This is a time of great change. Though change is a part of the human experience, global change of this magnitude has never occurred…


No one believes they are selfish. Yet nearly everyone is primarily driven by their own self-interest. The drive to promote a personal agenda is often mistaken for strength. True strength lies in the willingness to release your personal agenda. Even acting on behalf of others comes from a place of selfishness when your agenda becomes…

The Path of Honor

Challenge is necessary. Struggle is not. Many people believe that challenge and struggle are synonymous. Your challenges need not be painful. Once you see that all of life is conspiring on your behalf, and that even your challenges are just blessings in disguise, you will approach each day with freshness, vitality, and hope. Do you…


You’ve been taking this life experience far too seriously for far, far too long. Events are unfolding exactly as they are meant to unfold. And your timing is perfect.  All your tasks, assignments, aspirations, and goals are distractions from the joy that comes from simply being. Release the need to be perfect. Release the expectation…


Your energy is a microcosm of the sun, which offers light and warmth to your entire planetary system. Humans are photosynthetic beings. Your amazing body converts sunlight to vitamin D. Future humans will derive even more of the body’s nutritional needs directly from the sun.  When you eat plants, you are benefitting from their efficiency…


There is great freedom in invisibility. While so many clamber to be seen, yearning for recognition, you are content to stay in the shadows.  You have great ingenuity that can be harnessed for the greater good. Conspiring behind the scenes, you do the quiet inner work that benefits all mankind.  Your satisfaction comes from working…