
Uncertainty is a luxury enjoyed exclusively in this time / space reality. Uncertainty is one of the experiences you enthusiastically embraced when you decided to be born into this human form.  Trust is the point of attraction that makes uncertainty a truly pleasurable experience. In fact, developing trust is the reason for uncertainty. Trust in…

Overcoming Challenges

The challenges in your life are gifts, specifically chosen for you, to teach you something important that you might otherwise have missed. The nature of this challenge is not important. It may have to do with relationships, finances, career, or health. All challenges have the same underlying energetic function: to help you honor your soul…

Release Control

As counterintuitive as it sounds, your power lies in your ability to consistently, willingly and easily release control. Relax into the space between and turn your body and mind over to your soul’s perspective. Release attachments to the arbitrary life circumstances that form the foundation of your social validation. Achievements, beauty, athleticism, social standing; all…

Surrender to Grace

Open and allow. The seat of consciousness is available in the very moment you choose to claim it. Unending love, abounding joy, profound peace, deep understanding, all the spiritual conditions you are trying to achieve in your life experience here on earth are so easily and readily available to you right now, in this moment. …