Release Stored Pain

Attend to the sensations in your body. Are you feeling stiffness, or maybe an ache or a twinge? This may be a place where you’ve stored a negative thought or experience, that’s ready to be released. Many of the aches and pains you attribute to aging are simply difficult memories or experiences waiting to be…

You Are Loved

You are loved. You are loved. You are loved. Is there anything more important than those three words? Everything else in your life – money, relationships, career, travel, joy, perfect health – will fall into place when you fully accept the truth of those words. Once you understand that you are fully loved, you will…


Miracles are your birthright. Learn to expect them. Miracles are the normal, natural result of your coming into alignment with your authentic self.  You know when you are in alignment with your higher self when you feel worthy and blessed. Your natural responses is appreciation. So appreciation is your best indication of alignment. From this…

Awakening Your Awareness

There is so much you tune out in a day. This is necessary, as it is not possible for your brain to process all the visual input, auditory input, olfactory input, tastes and physical sensations you encounter on a moment-by-moment basis.  But slowing down, tuning into even thee tiniest fraction of this external stimuli, will…

Soul Embodiment

Embodiment. What does it mean to embody your soul? Embodiment is a spiritual state, where you give your body over to the highest part of you – the part that is God-energy, manifest in you, in this physical form. That God-source energy is your spiritual lifeblood. It is the part of you that existed before…

Your Future Is Secure

Relax. Enjoy the not knowing. Savor the delicious unfolding of this life experience. Your path is assured. Your way has been prepared. Your feet are being gently and confidently led. Like a child learning to take her first steps, you are guided, protected, and so very loved. There is never a single moment when we…

Holy Union

Holy union. Shared holy union. Sacred. Precious. Rare. Beautiful. This is a goal worthy of you. It is worthy of your time, energy and commitment. Events are unfolding, even now, to bring about this union, that you may experience divine happiness, divine bliss, unsurpassed joy – beyond anything you have experienced. Your body, mind and…