Be Still

Anxiety in the face of uncertainty is normal and natural. In many ways, your world view has been deconstructed. This is a disorienting process, but one that is ripe with potential. You will naturally gravitate towards your old beliefs and thought patterns if you don’t provide space to just be in stillness. Be o.k. without…

Move Forward Slowly

Emerging from darkness is like waking up after a deep sleep. It can be a little disorienting. Do not feel pressured to do anything right now. Just relax into this state of being.  Explore the many ways you can simply be. Don’t try to figure out next steps or a path forward. Simply relax into…

Retroactive Gratitude

Isn’t it funny how gratitude becomes easier with practice? The simple act of smiling is an act of gratitude, an expression of happiness. When you smile for no reason, your subconscious will look for reasons to be happy. And voila! Instant gratitude! Feel blessed. Become aware of the blessings all around you that are indeed…


Miracles are your birthright. Learn to expect them. Miracles are the normal, natural result of your coming into alignment with your authentic self. You are in alignment with your soul when you feel worthy and blessed. Your natural response is appreciation. So appreciation is your best indication of alignment. From this dominant vibrational space of…

System Upgrades

System upgrades are incredibly exciting, but they can also be disorienting and a little frightening. A system upgrade happens when your mind is capable of conceiving scenarios your body is incapable of achieving. For example, a runner may be able to visualize moving through space at a speed his body Is unable to run. If…


Intriguing, isn’t it? How your desires shift and change as you evolve. Your journey is a grand adventure, a constant collaboration with forces you cannot see, endlessly conspiring on your behalf to bring about that which is of your choosing and contributes to the world’s greater good. The glory of the mystery is truly awesome.…

Love Freely

Be free with your love, easy to please. Look for things to delight in. Seek joy in the world around you. Look for reasons to smile, reasons to laugh, reasons to feel surprise and delight in this world of wonders, marvels and mysteries. Hold your cares lightly. Let nothing weigh your spirit down. All is…