Call to Ceremony

You are called to sacred ceremony to commune with me. Your soul longs for this connection. Your spirit is thirsty for the life-giving water I provide. Ceremony is not the same as ritual. Ceremony is self-designed, guided by my inspiration. The components of ceremony change depending on your intention, what your soul is craving. Approach…

Your Truest Gifts

The need to define your place and purpose is somewhat misguided. Your need to find purpose is sometimes rooted in doubt, or even lack of self-worth. If you knew how very loved you are, how treasured you are, how cherished you are, how celebrated you are, questions of purpose would be rendered irrelevant. You are…

Cultivating Unconditional Love

Untethered. Free. Peaceful. Harmonious. Joyous. Loving. Acceptant. These are the beautiful states of being that you are looking for. The reason these can be so elusive in the context of family or intimate relationships is because you continue to rely on each other to meet your unmet needs. These are not needs dictated or guided…

Your Divine Treasure Chest

Set aside time for playful rest. Invite your mind to engage in a passive form of play. Play is intuitive, free of the cumbersome energy associated with discipline.  Playfulness is a connective energy that elicits positive feelings of creativity, expectation, surprise, and delight. Stillness provides a platform for the divine to co-create with you in…

Surrender to Grace

Open and allow. The seat of consciousness is available in the very moment you choose to claim it. Unending love, abounding joy, profound peace, deep understanding, all the spiritual conditions you are trying to achieve in your life experience here on earth are so easily and readily available to you right now, in this moment. …

Divine Timing

Divine timing is a fulcrum that provides leverage to quickly and easily manifest all your deepest desires. You are meant to have each and every one of your soul’s desires. You are not meant to struggle and expend needless effort in achieving your goals. Save that life-force energy for your rich, beautiful relationship with others…

The Need for Touch

Humans are meant to be touched. They are meant to be held. The sensation of touch, as well as all you perceive with your physical senses, is what sets you apart from all that exists in the realms of the non-physical. Touch is indeed one of the sensations you were most looking forward to experiencing…