
There is a polarity that exists between men and women. This fundamental mistrust prevents true authenticity in the vast majority of relationships. If you often find yourself in conflict with your partner, ask yourself “What am I holding back? What truth am I unwilling to reveal?” Many have become accustomed to taking a defensive posture…


Are you tired of the drama? Does the turbulent energy of discord leave you feeling exhausted? Is your daily life fraught with emotional upheaval? Take heart knowing you are not alone, dear one. Many are feeling this same frustration, both on a personal level and at the communal level, with the turbulent energies that are…


You have a dream in your heart. For some, it is a vision to bring something new into the world that will benefit mankind. For others, it is the dream of fulfillment; a perfect partner, a healthy body, a specific achievement or a number in their bank account. In the case of any desire, there…


Have you ever wondered what would happen if people only consumed what their bodies needed? In Western societies where food is abundant, people would dramatically decrease their consumption of food, leading to less freighters on the oceans, less airplanes in the sky, less trucks on the freeways, less heavy machinery in the fields, less pesticides…


Martyrdom and narcissism are two sides of the same coin. Both the martyr and the narcissist are dysfunctional archetypes arising from self-obsession, which is the complete identification with form. A martyr is one who denies herself in the service of others. Her identity is entirely formed by doing rather than being. The martyr believes that…


Mistrust of others is rooted in mistrusting one’s self. When you continually question the motives of others, it means your own motives are less than pure. This is a hard reality to accept. But identifying our own dishonesty offers great freedom. Ask yourself, “Where have I been keeping secrets? Where am I using stories to…


Have you developed a habit of complacency, where mediocrity has become your norm? Are you feeling that you’re meant for a bigger life, a bolder life, a life with greater impact? There is a dream imprinted deep inside your DNA. And though the purpose of living is life itself, the joy of living comes from…


The process of spiritual awakening is often accompanied by great agitation. At one moment, you receive clarity, insight, and great epiphanies. Later, sometimes only a moment later, you find yourself in great upset, distress and chaos. The upset may take the form of irrational anger or frustration with those around you. Or it may be…


Does it sometimes feel like you are never enough? Like everyone else received life’s secret code, but someone forgot to give it to you? Like there is something important you are missing? Maybe you suspect you don’t really belong here. You recognize that life is tough for everyone. But sometimes it feels like it’s more…

The Hum of Creation

Cultivate a spirit of inquisitiveness. See the world as a child, without evaluating what is important and what is not important, what is worthy of your attention and what is to be disregarded. Notice everything. Nothing is unwanted or disruptive. Do you see how this practice can be applied to every aspect of your life?…