Spiritual Trailblazing

Have you felt the shift? Maybe your perspective is one of disorientation or a soft awareness that your life feels a bit more unsettled, like you are on the brink of change. Heed this sensation and reach for clarity. Meditate. Go for a walk or a run in nature. Discover what this shift means for…

Awakening Your Awareness

There is so much you tune out in a day. This is necessary, as it is not possible for your brain to process all the visual input, auditory input, olfactory input, tastes and physical sensations you encounter on a moment-by-moment basis.  But slowing down, tuning into even thee tiniest fraction of this external stimuli, will…

Time of Expansion

It’s not your job to keep the universe spiraling. That is our work and it happens without your intervention, or even your intention. Similarly, there are mountains being moved on your behalf that are beyond your intention or awareness. Even now, events are conspiring for your greater good and the greater good of All-That-Is. Your…

Signs and Wonders

Early Thanksgiving week, I was working on a painting project with one of my nearest and dearest friends. I tend to get introspective around the holidays. And much to his chagrin, I launched into esoteric spiritual reflection… aloud. Spirituality is one of my favorite topics and one of his least favorite topics. Since we were…

Restoring Peace

You are being called to prayer. You are being called to devotion. Spirit longs for a connection with you. Go deep. This is the time to allow your heart to fully open to the One who has been calling. Now is the time to seek shelter from the storm. Even joy brings a sense of…

Your Dance with the Divine

Playmates. Your dance with Spirit is like a friendship. In any human partnership, you become more and more confident in your interactions, as you get to know each other better. You are better able to read cues, to understand nuances, to get each other’s subtle jokes. Your interactions with Spirit are the same. The more…

Identify Your Narratives

Make sure you communicate your love to your family while they are alive. Take every opportunity to let them know your deep love for them. Find out their favorite foods and surprise them with those foods. Pretend you are getting to know them for the first time. What are the things they are most proud…

The Doorway Is Open

The doorway is open. All that is left now is the decision to walk through it. We know you fear leaving this life behind. But what awaits, the life on the other side of that door, is so much richer and more rewarding that this mirror version of life. You do not need to die…