Impressing vs. Expressing

One of the central themes in my book, Escape Bound, is validation. I am working to develop a script for an episodic reality tv show that I’m hoping will explore this topic in a highly visible format. In this project we ask the following questions: Whose measuring stick are we using to measure ourselves? To…

Your Gifts Are Desired

Collaborate. Seek community with like-minded spiritual adventurers. Do not shy from taking a leadership roll when there is a void. This void has been created just for you as a means of teaching you to step into your power. Your gifts are desired. Your unique talents and skills are needed and wanted. There is a…

Signs and Wonders

Early Thanksgiving week, I was working on a painting project with one of my nearest and dearest friends. I tend to get introspective around the holidays. And much to his chagrin, I launched into esoteric spiritual reflection… aloud. Spirituality is one of my favorite topics and one of his least favorite topics. Since we were…

System Upgrades

Do you know you are standing at the very brink of greatness? All that you desire is lined up at your feet, waiting for you to open your eyes and become aware of the beauty that is right there in front of you.  It took many centuries, many generations of universal collaboration, for you to…

Unconditional Love

You came for the adventure. You’re here for the drama. You’re here to be a part of the greatest show on earth – indeed the greatest show in the entire Universe – taking place right here on your planet, right now at this time.  Like any good drama, there will be surprises. There will be…

Emotional Alchemy

Emotion is powerful. It’s transformative. But all-too-often, it feels beyond our control. We observe something wanted or unwanted. We have a positive or negative interaction. The experience or interaction elicits an emotional response. Like leaves in the wind, we move along life’s path in a seemingly random emotional pattern, subject to unseen forces beyond our…

What Measuring Stick Are You Using?

Life doesn’t celebrate what you’ve achieved. It celebrates who you’ve become. When you measure yourself – seeking your value, your worth – according to your achievements, you are using the wrong measuring stick. You will never feel worthy, no matter how much you achieve. Society values career, money, power, houses, cars, boats, luxury travel, and…

Hidden Agreements

Just over two years ago, my husband and I went through a divorce… and I have yet to go on a date. I told myself many stories as to why that was the case. First, I simply wasn’t interested in dating. Then, a highly itinerant lifestyle prevented me from developing close relationships. When I finally…

10 Indications Of Spiritual Awakening

There is a lot of talk in spiritual circles about this new age of enlightenment. More than any time in human history, we are seeing a mass evolution in human consciousness. This movement is yielding a huge influx of newly ascended masters. What the heck does spiritual awakening look like and how do you know…