
Your energy is a microcosm of the sun, which offers light and warmth to your entire planetary system. Humans are photosynthetic beings. Your amazing body converts sunlight to vitamin D. Future humans will derive even more of the body’s nutritional needs directly from the sun.  When you eat plants, you are benefitting from their efficiency…


There is great freedom in invisibility. While so many clamber to be seen, yearning for recognition, you are content to stay in the shadows.  You have great ingenuity that can be harnessed for the greater good. Conspiring behind the scenes, you do the quiet inner work that benefits all mankind.  Your satisfaction comes from working…


Hunger is distraction and it takes many forms. You may be one who hungers for knowledge, power, love, sex, achievement, recognition, physical beauty, popularity, adventure, excitement, possessions, etc. Even the hunger for spiritual growth is a distraction. Like mental chewing gun, these distractions satisfy the mind’s addiction to drama. Hunger in its many forms distracts…


Do you find that nobody lives up to your expectations? Are you continually disappointed by society, co-workers, friends or even loved ones who fail to meet your needs? Though you fully believe that you are doing more than anyone else, it’s still not enough to get others to behave the way you want them to…


Uncertainty makes you feel uneasy or even unsafe. With so many choices, you want to know which path is the right one. This uncertainty stems from viewing destiny as a single ultimate reality. Like a path through the forest, the right course is solid and predictable. Straying from the path leads to pain and misery.…


Sometimes life feels very much like a roller coaster. Are you enjoying the thrill of the ride? Or are your eyes clenched shut as you grip the handle bar and hold on for dear life? Maybe you even find yourself wondering if you ended up on the wrong ride. Relax. Take a deep breath. Believe…


The greatest force holding back the evolution of human consciousness is not conflict or divisiveness. It is not lack of awareness or understanding. It is not even fear, greed, pride or judgement. The single greatest force holding back your own personal evolution as well as the evolution of the planet is half-heartedness. Half-heartedness sees a…

Finding Justice Through Balance

Each person on the planet is a resonance chamber, finely tuned to their own unique vibrational signature. The degree to which your life operates in harmony with this vibrational signature is the degree to which you feel relaxed, happy, peaceful and fulfilled. The extent to which your day to day resonance is in discord with…


Divisiveness in your relationships, your family, and even your community are a reflection of division within yourself. There is the you that responds to life’s conditions and the you that witnesses these responses. The degree to which you bring these two parts of yourself into alignment is the degree to which you experience harmony, not…